
happo Report

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Happo-One / ○305cm / Sunny2022.Apr.10

22041001_happoBeginning on 4/5 (Tue.), it has now been 6 straight days of sunny weather, including today. I spoke with the father of a family from Osaka (pictured, far left) who told me, “We love your site! We’ve joined another family for this trip. It’s my 5-year-old daughter’s third season, and now she’s able to ski on any and all groomed runs. We’re getting ready to put her in some private lessons with the Hakuba Happo-One Ski School.”
[Skyline Course]
22041002_happoMy skis sled well on the moderately-soft, groomed granular-snow surfaces of Kurobishi (pictured), Usagidaira, Panorama and Skyline. A group of 3 skiers (one skier pictured here) from Chiba, Yamanashi and Nagano called out to me, exclaiming that they always reference our site, and adding, “It’s so hot, we’re already sweating.” First thing this morning the line to get on the gondola at the resort’s base stretched almost all the way to the Shirakaba No. 1 Pair.
[Kurobishi Slope]
22041003_happoIn an effort to alleviate congestion yesterday and today, the Nakiyama No. 3 Triple was in operation and the Public Course was open to skiers and boarders (※Today was the last day for Nakiyama). As the day progressed, all slopes began to turn into slush due to the high temperatures and strong sunshine. With those conditions I found it difficult to turn at times on Usagidaira and Skyline.
[Usagidaira Slope]
22041004_happoI enjoyed a conversation with a couple of season pass holders from Aichi Prefecture, who told me, “We check your site every day. Keep up the great work. This is our 45th day on the slopes this season, and we are aiming to get to 50 by the end of Golden Week!” Beginning at 12:00 today, the Hakuba Happo-One Spring Festival 2022 is set to take place at the Usagidaira Terrace, with special guests Akito and Yoshito Watanabe, as well as Aiko Uemura!
[Panorama Course]


[Availability Information for Apr. 10 (Sun.)]

*Available Courses … Usagidaira, Kurobishi, Skyline, Urakuro, Lower Shirakaba South, Panorama, Riesen Grat, Riesen Slalom)
* Available Lifts … Gondola (8:00 a.m.–),  totally 7 lifts
* Lift Price … 3/28~Spring Discount 1-day Ticket Adult JPY4,500, Child JPY1,000


*Printable Rental Discount Coupons!
Carving Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY2,500 / Outerwear JPY2,000!
Carving Ski・Snowboard High Performance Model Rental JPY500 Off!
Kid’s Ski・Snowboard 1-Day Rental Set JPY2,000 / Outerwear JPY1,000!


*Request for the original data of our photographs


reported by Snownavi