Iwatake / ◎200cm / Snowy & Sunny2017.Feb.26
Finally, “The 44th Student Ski Competition Iwatake” has started. The schedule is as follows; Opening Ceremony on Feb. 26 (Sun), Individual Acting (Preliminary) on Feb. 27 (Mon), Individual Acting (Semifinal) on Feb. 28 (Tue), Individual Acting (Finals) on Mar. 1 (Wed), Individual Acting (Rookie) and Group Acting (Compulsory) on Mar. 2 (Thu) and Group Acting (Free) on Mar. 3 (Fri). Big Bahn and UP Bahn were already crowded with students.
[Big Bahn]
I met a group of Elegant Ski Club of Hokkaido University. The snow condition is very changeable now because of the warm weather. This morning, the corn snow covered the slopes in Village Side.
[Sunny Valley Course]
In Mountain Side, the nicely firm slopes were covered with 3cm fresh light snow and in good condition. Especially, North was still quiet at around 9:30 a.m, so I could enjoy making the first track on the slopes.
People from Hakuba cheered me, “We always enjoy your reports. We come to LOVE SNOW PARK to make high jumps!” This Sunday, it was calmly sunny without a wind, so we had an ideal day for riding!!
[ Availability Information for Feb. 26]
* All areas are available!!
* Available Lifts … Gondola (8:00 a.m.-), and totally 10 lifts.
* Lift Price … Adults: 4,400JPY, Child: 2,600JPY
*Print-out coupon with great deals!
1day Lift Ticket + Lunch Ticket = Adult 5,400JPY →4,900JPY, Child 3,600JPY →3,100JPY
Family Pack 2 people (1 Adult & 1 Child) = 7,000JPY →6,000JPY
Family Pack 3 people (Must have at least 1 child ) = 11,400JPY →9,000JPY
Family Pack 4 people (Must have at least 1 child ) = 12,200JPY-15,800JPY →12,000JPY
1day Lift Ticket × 4 = 17,800JPY →14,800JPY
1day Lift Ticket + Rental Set = Adult 8,400JPY →6,000JPY, Child 5,300JPY →3,800JPY
1day Rental Set = Carving Ski or Snowboard 2,000JPY, Jacket & Pants 1,800JPY
High Performance Models of Skies or Snowboard Rental = 500JPY OFF from Shop price
*Hakuba Iwatake Snow Field is open from Dec. 16, 2016 to Mar 26, 2017.
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